Have you ever wanted to paste some stickers on a 3D object? Perhaps to check what your product would look like with a sticker on it and check where the best placement is without actually placing a sticker on a real product.
You can of course do this with some pretty minor Photoshop skills, but let us dive into three js and do it the hard way instead!
I will be using svelte and the three js wrapper threlte as that is the most convenient for me. But the concepts should translate pretty well to vanilla three js.
To start of, make sure you have your project setup and installed according to respective instructions.
Best practice according to threlte is to separate your canvas and your scene, so let’s do that.
<script>import { Canvas } from '@threlte/core'import Scene from '$lib/Scene.svelte'</script><div class="app"><Canvas><Scene /></Canvas></div>
And for the fun of it, we might as well slap on some styling on it
<style>.app {width: 100%;height: 100%;position: absolute;left: 0px;top: 0px;background: radial-gradient(circle, rgb(149, 154, 160) 0%, rgb(94, 100, 105) 100%);background-position: 0, 0;}</style>
The Scene
We will do most of the heavy lifting here, but to keep the file succinct let us break it into parts.
<script>import Target from './Target.svelte'import Camera from './Camera.svelte'import Lights from './Lights.svelte'let cameralet mesh</script><Target bind:mesh /><Camera bind:camera /><Lights />
I think this is a reasonable split. So we have a component Target
to hold the model that we are to paste decals on. We have a Camera
component that wraps the three JS camera. And lastly we have all our lighting in a Lights
We will add the decals and the controller for that in a bit.
For the sake of it I have modelled I water bottle in blender and exported it to GLTF
which works quite well in my experience.
<script>import { GLTF } from '@threlte/extras'export let mesh</script><GLTFuseDraco="https://www.gstatic.com/draco/v1/decoders/"url="/bottle.glb"on:create={({ ref }) => {mesh = ref.children[1]}} />
noteworthy here is that the GLTF
loader results in a group, and my code only handles a single mesh. So in a hacky proof of concept I am just picking the second child which is the canister of the bottle. In an ideal world you would either have the code handle group, or a list of meshes and just flatmap everything.
We want a camera, and we want to be able to rotate it around the target.
We could use an OrbitControls
but I find it a bit limited, and couldn’t find a way to bind it to middle mouse instead of left click, that we will use for pasting decals.
so instead let us add this
<script>import { T } from '@threlte/core'export let cameralet rotation = 75 //arbitrary numberexport function drag(e) {if (isMiddleMouseDown) {rotation += e.movementXrotateCamera()}}function rotateCamera() {const sensitivity = 100const distance = 10const pos = [Math.sin(rotation / sensitivity), 1, Math.cos(rotation / sensitivity)].map(comp => comp * distance)camera.position.set(...pos)camera.lookAt(0, 1, 0)camera = camera //force svelte re-render}let isMiddleMouseDown = falsefunction mouseDown(e) {isMiddleMouseDown = e.button === 1 //1 is middle mouse}function mouseUp(e) {isMiddleMouseDown = false}</script><svelte:window on:mousedown={mouseDown} on:mouseup={mouseUp} on:mousemove={drag} /><T.PerspectiveCameramakeDefaultbind:ref={camera}on:create={() => {rotateCamera()}} />
Ok last thing before we start working on the decals. We of course want to add lights to our target.
<script>import { T } from '@threlte/core'let l1Rot = 1let l2Rot = -1</script><T.AmbientLight /><T.DirectionalLight position={[Math.sin(l1Rot) * 10, 10, Math.cos(l1Rot) * 10]} castShadow intensity={0.8} /><T.DirectionalLight position={[Math.sin(l2Rot) * 10, 10, Math.cos(l2Rot) * 10]} intensity={0.2} />
Note that this has similar math as the camera to rotate the position of lights around the world origin.
Partial result
We should have something looking like this now
Now the fun begins! We want to figure out if the mouse is hovering on our mesh and where. So with some code that is shamelessly stolen and modified from here
let lineGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry()lineGeometry.setFromPoints([new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3()])let lineconst raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster()const mouseHelper = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 10))function checkIntersection(x, y) {if (mesh === undefined) returnconst intersection = {intersects: false,point: new THREE.Vector3(),normal: new THREE.Vector3()}const mouse = new THREE.Vector2()mouse.x = (x / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1mouse.y = -(y / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, camera)const intersects = []raycaster.intersectObject(mesh, false, intersects)if (intersects.length > 0) {const p = intersects[0].pointmouseHelper.position.copy(p)intersection.point.copy(p)const n = intersects[0].face.normal.clone()n.transformDirection(mesh.matrixWorld)n.multiplyScalar(10)n.add(intersects[0].point)intersection.normal.copy(intersects[0].face.normal)mouseHelper.lookAt(n)const pos = line.geometry.attributes.positionpos.setXYZ(0, p.x, p.y, p.z)pos.setXYZ(1, n.x, n.y, n.z)pos.needsUpdate = trueline = lineintersection.intersects = trueintersects.length = 0} else {intersection.intersects = false}return intersection}</script>
this will send out a imaginary line from the center of the camera and forwards into the world, targeting the x,y position of the mouse. If that line intersects our mesh we will get a list with places where it intersects. From that list we can fetch the coordinate in 3d space as well as the normal of the face. The normal of a polygon or a face is a normalized vector that indicates where the it is facing.
This code introduces a few more variables, so let us put them to use, and add a listener for mouse movement
function mouseMove(e) {const intersection = checkIntersection(e.clientX, e.clientY);}</script><svelte:window on:click={click} on:mousemove={mouseMove} /><T.Line bind:ref={line} geometry={lineGeometry} />
This should give us a line pointing to the target, so that can verify that everything is working.
Note that the mouseHelper
is not added to the scene. We only have it to make it easier to get the rotation of the decal.
Now we know how to point to an object, we want to add the decals objects to it.
so let us add some code for that in the scene.
<script>import Decals from './Decals.svelte'let decalReffunction click(e) {const intersection = checkIntersection(e.clientX, e.clientY)if (intersection.intersects) {const rotation = new THREE.Euler().copy(mouseHelper.rotation)decalRef.addDecal(new THREE.Vector3().copy(intersection.point), rotation)} else console.log('no intersect')}</script><svelte:window on:click={click} on:mousemove={mouseMove} /><Decals bind:this={decalRef} {mesh} />
With this we add a new component and tell it to add a decal whenever we click on the target.
<script>import { DecalGeometry } from 'three/addons/geometries/DecalGeometry.js'import { T } from '@threlte/core'import * as THREE from 'three'export let meshconst textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader()const decal = textureLoader.load('/favicon.png')const decalMat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({depthWrite: false,polygonOffset: true, //Without this the polygons are overlapping the target and causing artifactspolygonOffsetFactor: -4,map: decal,transparent: true //if the decal is a png with transparency this is needed})export function addDecal(position, rotation) {const material = decalMat.clone()const size = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1)const m = new THREE.Mesh(new DecalGeometry(mesh, position, rotation, size), material)m.renderOrder = decals.length // give decals a fixed render orderdecals = decals.concat([m])}let decals = []</script>{#each decals as decal}<T.Mesh is={decal} />{/each}
This code is pretty short, and to the point. Most of the heavy lifting is done by the DecalGeometry
Assuming that everything has been copy pasted correctly it should look something like this.
If not, I suggest having a look at my source code on github.
Lastly if you want to see it in action you can try it out here